I thought I’d share a few of the things I’ve been enjoying on the internet lately.
#What I’m reading
[Keeping Kids From Toy Guns: How One Mother Changed Her Mind – Atlantic Mobile](http://m.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/08/keeping-kids-from-toy-guns-how-one-mother-changed-her-mind/278518/) – This is an interesting article discussing the zero-tolerance stance many schools take these days on guns and whether it is actually beneficial. The most thought provoking line:
“There is no easy answer when my Japanese friends wonder at the paradox of our banning gun play when we do not ban the guns that kill thousands of children and teens in the U.S. each year.”
[A place you can always return to | Simple Mom](http://simplemom.net/a-place-you-can-always-return-to/) – This is a sweet story about a couple’s favorite place. My favorite line: