February 13, 2015
These Days // 8
These days we are:
baking: banana bread. Charlie really loves banana bread, so when we had a few overripe bananas this week we decided to do a little baking using this recipe. It was fun, and now we have a tasty snack. I’m hoping to do more baking projects with him in the future.
sending: Valentine’s Day cards. In case you missed it, we made these sun catcher Valentine’s Day cards to send to our family this week. Getting Charlie to participate in craft projects can be a little hit or miss, but he seemed to enjoy making these cards.
creating: a Bible reading habit. They say it takes 21 days to turn a new practice into a habit, and I’ve been using the Mission 119 app for my daily Bible reading for 22 days now.
sorting: cars by color. This activity filled up a good portion of our afternoon one day this week. Charlie has a lot of cars.
wishing: for warmer weather. We’re all getting a little tired of staying inside all day long. Spring is just around the corner…right?
Once again I’m linking up at Coffee with Caitlin for another High Five for Friday post. Check out some other bloggers over there!