July 15, 2013
My First Stitch Fix
Contrary to popular opinion, not all women like to shop. I am one of those weirdos. Maybe it has something to do with my aversion to crowded places. Or my indecisive nature. Or the fact that things hardly ever look as good on me as they do on the hanger. If I could go into a very quiet and sparsely populated store that only had clothes that fit me and that encouraged me to take as much time as I needed to stare at myself and consider my options in the fitting room then I might enjoy shopping a little more. I haven’t found that store, but I have found Stitch Fix!
Have you heard of this? Stitch fix is basically a mail order personal shopping service. When you sign up you fill out a profile with your size, style preferences, and lifestyle information (such as if you’re a mom, if you work in an office, if you go out on the town a lot). Then a Stitch Fix stylist assembles a package of five clothing items that they think you would enjoy. The package ships right to your door and you have three days to try things on and decide what you want to keep. Basically it’s my dream store in a box.
# My profile
You can really give stitch fix a lot of information to help them pinpoint your style. In my profile I specified that I like classic and casual clothes (other choices included edgy, glamorous, preppy, etc.). I indicated that I was a mom who worked in a “business casual” office and rarely goes out to more formal or trendy events. In other words, don’t send me mini skirts and glittery blouses. I could let them know that I wear pants more than skirts and rarely wear accessories. And though I didn’t have one done when I ordered my first fix, I have since added a link to my [“my style” Pinterest board](http://pinterest.com/ssukyma/my-style/) so my stylist can see the kinds of things I like.
# My Fix
For my first stitch fix I told them I needed more tops for work, so 4 of the five items were tops.
Here’s what I kept:
They sent me a great pair of dark skinny jeans. They fit me perfectly, were very comfortable, and since they were so dark I felt like I could wear them in dressier situations.
I also kept one of the tops. It was comfortable and fit well and was different enough from what I already have to make a nice addition to my wardrobe.
Here’s what I sent back:
1. Too loud. I wasn’t a huge fan of the very busy chevron print, plus I’m not really needing long sleeves right now.
2. Too cowl-y. This was actually a very comfortable shirt, but I’ve never looked right in cowl necks.
3. Too big. I liked this shirt, but it was a little too big. Actually all of the rejected shirts felt a little too baggy to me so I actually changed my shirt size in my profile so hopefully the next fix works a little better.
# My order:
The process for checking out was very easy. Once I had decided on which items to keep I logged onto my account and saw a list of my items on a simple order form. I just indicated the items I was keeping and was able to provide some feedback on each of the items regarding the fit, cut, and style. I think this is a service that gets better the more you use it. I then paid for my items and put them in my closet. The other items went into the provided pre-paid envelope and got dropped in the mail.
# My opinion
There are pros and cons to the stitch fix system.
## Pros:
**Convenient** – I’ve never had an easier time shopping for clothes. The whole process is very user friendly and hassle free.
**Fun!** – Who doesn’t love to get packages in the mail? It feels like you’re opening a present when you get your stitch fix. You aren’t sure what its going to be, but there’s a good chance it will be cute.
**Gets you out of your rut.** – I know I tend to go to the same stores and gravitate towards the same styles that I wear every day. A stitch fix box is likely to include a few things that are a little different from what you normally wear, but since you’re in the safety of your own home you’ll at least try it on. And you might actually like it!
## Cons
**Expensive** – The two stitch fix items I kept were more expensive than what I normally spend on clothes. And if you don’t keep anything you’ll still have to pay the $20 styling fee (that amount just goes towards your purchase if you keep something). While its a fun way to get new clothes, there are definitely cheaper ways to have fun and get clothes. Saying that though, I’ll probably try it at least a few more times. I’m interested to see if my stylist gets even better at picking out clothes for me.
Overall, I would say the experience was worth it. It’s fun and you get pretty things.
If you want to [sign up for your own Stitch Fix, you can use this link.](http://stitchfix.com/sign_up?referrer_id=3114092) I’ll get a referral credit on my account that can go to my next Stitch Fix. And that would be cool!
Shopping is like death to me for many reasons. This sounds like fun, maybe for when I’m older and skinnier and richer. Hahahahahaha!