I know it’s September and school has started and Labor Day has passed and everyone is now in full on Fall mode. But we’ve had a week of 90 degree weather in these parts and my summer wardrobe is still very much in use. So I’m going to pretend that this post isn’t desperately behind the times.
So, have you jumped on the capsule wardrobe craze? I kind of feel silly explaining it here because it seems like every blogger ever has already done so, but just in case you’re out of the loop, here’s the low down:
A capsule wardrobe is basically a pared down wardrobe made up of items that can be mixed and matched in many different ways. Some people will stick to just 40 items in their closet, others go with 37, some work it all the way down to 25. The ultimate goal is to have a closet made up of only items that you love and can be worn with anything else so you don’t have those mornings of staring at your stuffed closet thinking you have nothing to wear. You could essentially grab any top and any bottom and throw them on and look great.
Doesn’t that sound like a dream?
Or like every man’s wardrobe. Anyway…
I’ve been intrigued by this idea for quite some time and this summer was the first season that I wasn’t in maternity clothes or rapidly changing size. I purged and edited until I got down to 24 items. I got rid of everything that didn’t fit, wasn’t flattering, or wasn’t comfortable. Then I pulled out some of the things that didn’t really seem to go with anything else and was left with what you see below.
As you can see, my wardrobe is pretty casual. It is built on a base of gray and navy with pops of berry, teal, and green thrown in. If I had an office job I would probably need a different assortment of items, but for now this collection takes care of what I need. I can’t say that I love all the items, but it’s been a good exercise to see how little I can get by with. For the fall I think I’m going to try taking a more deliberate approach and perhaps invest in a few basics that I’m currently lacking.
And it really has been easier to pick out clothes each day. I haven’t been faced with a “I don’t have anything to wear!” feeling all summer. It’s definitely an experiment that I’m willing and excited to try again.