Amy Beth

March 2, 2015


My boy turns three years old today. Just go ahead and think of all the cliche things to say about children getting older and how it happens so fast and the days are long but the years are short etc. and you pretty much have what’s going through my head right now. So since we’re all feeling nostalgic I thought I’d take a little walk down memory lane to celebrate three years of Charlie. He’s inspired a lot of blog posts in the past three years.


2012 11 13 0587

2012 04 25 0319 a

2012 08 25 0651 a

IMG 0012

2013 10 21 0520

2013 08 18 0271 a

IMG 1909

IMG 0066

IMG 0067

I could go on, but I don’t want to make your computer explode from the cuteness.

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

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